Jim McFarland, LMT
*If you are currently using opiods we cannot treat you.
These are some of the more common things
we treat here at Muscle Therapy.
-Headaches and migraine headaches
-Recent "Cricks" and stiffness in the neck.
-Deep tissue massage therapy - although my techniques for deep tissue vary from common practices.
(34 years = a lot of my own techniques.) I don't believe in brutal treatment. No one should be bruised, and while you might be a little sore the next day, you won't be writhing on the table during the session!
-Low back complaints; schedule for an hour, If it isn't helping in a visit or two, I will probably recommend another type of therapy from another healthcare professional.
-"Sciatica" - as the term is commonly used, can mean many different things. Sometimes, there can be other serious issues, like a herniated disc. (In cases where serious pain persists, I prefer that clients see a Chiropractor, PT or MD before making an appointment at Muscle Therapy.)
-SI pain - that is, sacroiliac pain that is of muscular origin. I've developed some new protocols for assessment and treatment, having refined them over the last 3 years. Sometimes requires several treatments, mostly hour long sessions.
-ITB issues, which are often caused by excessive pressure issues in the lateral compartment of the thigh.
We do not take insurance, personal injury
cases (i.e. automobile collisions) or workers comp cases.